All of these "Cat-O-Lympic"
events made me, the great
and powerful Noll,
work up a mancatly sweat!
I concatulate the winners.
And now, speaking in
the venacular of the peasantry,
must 'take a powder.'
I shall talk to the press afterwards.
"Clip, clip here,
Clip, clip there,
I give the roughest claws.
That certain air of savoir faire,
In the Merry Old Land of....
"Well bust my buttons!"
Pay NO attention to that cat
behind the curtain sportsfans......"

"Ah shucks fellas I'm speechless!"
(These locker room interviews always
make me blush as red
as a ruby slipper.)
Don't we get to the shower?
Oh no, those reporters never learn...I'll take care of them for you!
You are so so cute. I'm in love !!!
Oops, caught in the shower! Really, reporters have no sense of personal boundaries, do they? Very annoying!
You look like you have cooled down nicely!
No privacy at all!
At least you'll smell good.
When you're a star, the press never leaves you alone!
But we love to pay attention to you!!
OmC! I love your blog!
Its really cute =)
Thanks for visiting my blog and very pleeezed to meet you Noll.
There is never any privacy when that flashy box shows up.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Oh Noll...the pawparazzi just doesn't know where to stop do they/
Ah Noll but you are such a handsome fella they cant get enough of you. Have a peaceful Sunday precious boy!
We thinks your tail picture is so cute!
Those nosy reporters get everywhere!
Trust the pawparazzi to sneak in and take undercover photos.
Congrats on all your Olympic activities. Now that they are nearly over, maybe things will quiet down with all the attention.
It's kind of hard to tell when you're blushing or not, Noll -- you've always got that lovely red flush.
Next time, if you really want to hide, you can't leave behind those telltail signs.
I'm sure you were just secretly warming up, chasing that tail of yours!
We're sorry 'cause we gave attention to the cat in the shower:)
Pee Ess: Our Mom thanks you for wishing her a Happy Birthday:)
Noll we agree all those events were tiring! And of course they are going to pay attention to you - you may be tired but you are to cute to pass up!
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