It is late March, and the days have become like a lamb. Nature is now more gentle, more serene, more pure. All creation testifies to nature's miraculous transformation.
In the woodlands, the understory wears a touch of bright green. High in the canopies, the crimson buds of the maple resemble vine ripen raspberries ready to burst. Along the Olentangy, the red tail hawk circles slowly over the greening river banks; the white sycamores reaching upward like Corinthian columns along the flowing waters. The skunk and chipmunk emerge from their cozy earthen homes. Here and there, I glimpse a forsythia increasing to its full canary-yellowness while the tops of the pussy willow twiddles in the breeze. The sky is a layer cake of cotton candy pink, white, orange and blue.
Oh yes, creation has put on her party hat.
And, nature's transformation lifts my soul. But my true joy is the sweet birdsong lullaby filling the cool morning air: The cardinal's solo as bright and crisp as its ruby feathers. Song sparrow, finch, and robin adding harmony to the cardinal's love song. My heart lilts. At times like this, I wish I were singing in a tree. I wish I were the bird being sung to!
Verily, spring finds my fancy. Every year, without fail. creation reminds me why I am. Like the flowers of the woods, I too am reborn from nature's baptismal rains. Like the small forest flower, I unfold to embrace all that is good, green and true in the large expanse that surrounds me.
hi noll, do you live near the woods? you seem to know about all of the animals there. i live in the city - well small town. we only have birds and squirrels around our house.
Hai Noll! We read about yoo through The Cat Blogosphere - http://www.blog.catblogosphere.com/
Welcome to the CB, we hope yoo stop by there and our blog sometime!
TT's Spirit
Hi Noll!! we is furry happy to meet you!!! Why don't you come to our nap pile party!!!
Sammy and Miles Meezer and Billy SweetFeets
Hi Noll! I saw you mentioned on the cat blogsphere and wanted to stop by and say hello!
Hi noll. I saw you mentioned on cat blogosphere. You sound like you are a bit of a philosopher. Do you live near the woodlands? I live near a river which has been really cool. Lots of things to see there. Now, I'm a bit older and I pretty much stay close to home now, no more roaming for me. Come on over to my blog and say "hi" when you get a chance.
Hi, Noll! We read about you on the Cat Blogosphere and came over to meet you. We're looking forward to being friends with such a wise and thoughtful kitty.
Rocky & staff
Hi Noll, we heard about yoo on da cat blogosphere and thawt we'd come over and meet yoo. Glad we did, maybe if Speedy reads this he'll try to be a bit more ser-ee-us...well, maybe not.
Hi Noll! we thought we would stop by and meet another new cat!
Hello my fellow furries! I am glad you've come. I am a bit hurried today but will check out the cat blogosphere tomorrow. It sounds like the "in" place for us cool cats.
P.S....I do live near woods, a field & a river just like My Own did when she was a child.
That was a beautiful post Noll.
We live out in the woods and are waiting with baited breath for Spring to finally come whispering in. Yesterday we had a day long storm and about a foot of snow.
Welcome to the CB!
Goldie, Shade and Banshee
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