My Own found this little nest one fall. Upon close scrutiny, she discovered it was made with Clyde's hair. Clyde was our special canine companion. Tiggy was his best friend. Clyde was adopted from the Human Society when he was two. Despite his diabetes, hypothyroidism and later, retinal blindness, Clyde lived a long, happy and loving life. We miss him.
This little nest
of grass and hair,
Designed by beak
beyond compare,
In perfect form were
eggs laid there.
Protected, warm
in loving care,
Fledged souls emerged
featherless, bare.
In this gentle nest
of grass and hair,
Made from him
loved beyond compare,
The flightless souls grew
Flew through the air,
Leaving this home
so warm and fair.
Discovered, treasured
beyond compare,
This little nest
woven with
his precious hair.