
Noll on Tiggy's Love Offering

It is said, a cat will bring love offerings to the one he loves.
Some cats eat most of their catch and leave a tail,
or a foot or a feather as token. 

Some, like our Tiggy, hurry and forget to deal the final blow
before presenting the love offering to the one he loves.

Tonight, Tiggy caught a vole. 

He brought it to her.
More precisely, he RAN it over to her - complete and unexpired.  

It was no surprise then that Tiggy's love offering was declined!


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Those little love offerings can be very 'choice'

Jans Funny Farm said...

Tiggy, you tried to give her a love offering. It isn't your fault she isn't into unexpired (and probably expired) presents.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh but what a sweet love offering!

The Chair Speaks said...

Tiggy loves you lots!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Oh, Tiggy, and you worked so hard to present your love a fine gift! Maybe try fresh catnip next time?

Fuzzy Tales said...

Oh, Tiggy, that must have been so discouraging, all your hunting prowess ignored.

Did YOU eat it then?

Sparkle said...

Hmph. You would think she would have appreciated a gift that was not past its expiration date!

Astrid said...

ewwww!!!! I mean, awwww!!!! what a cute offering sweet Tiggy..

Athena said...

Tiggy, that was so sweet! Too bad she didn't appreciate it!

CCL Wendy said...

Did the love offuring get up and walk (or run) away?

I've heard it said that cats think we hoomans are too stupid to catch our own food, so they have to do it for us.

Does this change your mind about things?

Jacqueline said...

Such a sweet love offering, Tiggy=you are a great hunter and we are very impressed, precious friend!...Hope you all enjoy a happy weekend...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Vicki said...

I'm good at bringing in love offerings.....