
Noll's Weather Update

Like many of our furfriends, this past week brought us a mixed bag of weather:  A quarter inch of ice, followed by wind, rain, refreezing & snow.

Wednesday night, the air was filled with cracking and popping.  By morning, many a mighty maple branch had surrendered to the weight of winter.  Even my little purple plum had lost a limb.

Yesterday, a red-winged blackbird visited our feeders; always an encouraging sign of Spring.  I am hopeful the weather soon will turn to mild but, as I watch the icicles melt, Impatience sits along side me. Impatience is not a welcomed companion!


I wish I might move things along....
I have a little purple tree to console!

But just like Impatience,
the sun moves at it's own pace.


The Island Cats said...

We think Mother Nature is really confused!! We hope your weather improves and your little plum tree is okay

JC said...

Noll you are so wise ...

Kea said...

We got buried under about 30 cms of snow (about a foot), on top of what was already down, but at least no ice storm. That's so dangerous!

We hope the trees will be okay--and that none are near your house to endanger the structure. Stay safe!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

The weather seems to be extreme everywhere this winter. We are impatiently waiting for Spring too.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are sorry about your tree. I kept expecting limbs and power lines to start snapping under the weight of the ice! We got 6 inches of snow last night on top of the two inches of ice! We are ready for above freezing weather and sun

Oskar said...

We sent you an e-mail because we need pictures to accompany the featured blogger post for Pet Blogs United tomorrow. If you could get back to us at PBU at comcast dot net, that would be great!

Oskar & Pam

Us4 Cats said...

yes, winter winter go away, please sweep dat snow of yesterdays :}

lovely photos. CUTE kitty cat face- soo sweet!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We are so ready for spring, too! Can we hurry it along?

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Would you believe we got snow in South Texas???????? We finally got to experience snow!!!!!!! We have pics on our blog today of the experience.

A special howdy to Luigi from his bud, Andy.

And, of course, love to all of you from all of us.

The Daily Pip said...

Hi Noll, I just read about you on Pet Blogs United. I am a cat loving dog and have three feline siblings. You look very much like my sister Lillian, who passed away a few years ago. Look forward to reading more of your words of wisdom.

Your pal, Pip

House of Carnivores said...

We are so very ready for Spring in our house as well! I saw you over on PBU and wanted to stop by and say hello. I am now a follower!

Vicki said...

Awesome photos!