
Noll Goes Out His Door!

'It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out of your door,' he used to say.
 'You step onto the Road, and if you don't keep your feet,
 there is no knowing where you might be swept off to.'

Bilbo used to tell me the same thing!


Noll Captures Some Tiggyness

Tiggy nibbling his hairy toes.

Tiggy balancing a string on his nose!

Tiggy doing exercise...

Tiggy staring with one eye ;)


Noll as Eros

Be Mine!




Noll's Featured on Pet Blogs United

Check this out. 
I am honored!
I am delighted!
I am the featured blogger
@ Pet Blogs United!!!!


Noll's Weather Update

Like many of our furfriends, this past week brought us a mixed bag of weather:  A quarter inch of ice, followed by wind, rain, refreezing & snow.

Wednesday night, the air was filled with cracking and popping.  By morning, many a mighty maple branch had surrendered to the weight of winter.  Even my little purple plum had lost a limb.

Yesterday, a red-winged blackbird visited our feeders; always an encouraging sign of Spring.  I am hopeful the weather soon will turn to mild but, as I watch the icicles melt, Impatience sits along side me. Impatience is not a welcomed companion!


I wish I might move things along....
I have a little purple tree to console!

But just like Impatience,
the sun moves at it's own pace.