
Noll's Sunday Reflections on a Tuesday

Noll's lament.

There's never enough time to do
everything on my to-do list!
Such as:

Walking through the violets,
nibbling on the catnip,
piddling on the perennials,
napping, eating, being naughty,
chipmonk & birdie watching,
nibbling on the catnip,
meditating under my purple plum tree,
being a blogger's inspiration.....
yadda, yadda, yadda!

Maggie's lament is similar:

Here she is on Sunday, the day of rest!
Her tail is a blur.
She has lots on her to-do list,
which means that tail of hers
has to move at a consistently fast pace!
chasing Dotty,
playing fetch,
checking the fence line,
barking at the birds,
being a faithful companion,
visiting the back forty....

I wish I could find the pause button for us both!

Alas, for now,
I seek the solace & quiet shade
of my purple plum tree.
I think there's some time management
tips in there somewhere -
if only I had the time to look for them.


Brian's Home Blog said...

Don't worry about the time management thingy, just do what ya gotta do!

SeaThreePeeO said...

If only there were more hours in the day. We never get to nap as long as we want to 18 hours is just not enough!

JC said...

I wish I could let my Purr Gang out to enjoy the Spring days. I used to be able to let them but when the coyote family arrived ... we, just couldn't anymore.

I do enjoy nicer days ... no rain ... when I can be out in the back yard my my girls .. Maddy Jean & Bella. They love to explore and just take it all in. They want me out there with them though...

I'm glad you both had a grand adventure ...

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Noll! That is a great one - it sounds like our mom! Since we are inside we have less problems with our to do list - but our mom totally can relate!

And we love those pictures!

Pip said...

You gots to lives in the moment- if what you are doing makes you happy then you should do it til it doesn't anymore.
Is your moment, not no one elses!
I is just saing. (I not always can do it either...)

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Kitties and pup's should not worry about time!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

What a busy life you lead. So much to do and not enough time to nap.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Kitties are supposed to take it easy.

Angel Simba said...

Hi, NOll! Lovely poetic thoughts. ife is more complex than we would like it to be, isn't it?

Jacqueline said...

Our Mommy has been VERY busy the last few weeks=she says there's never enough time in the day to do everything she needs to do!!...sound familiar?!...Great photos, Noll and Maggie=hope you both had a fun day with whatever you ended up doing on your list!...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

moi said...

Noll, you are one busy kitty!! but it looks like you are filling your days well - so enjoy!! =^..^=

The Island Cats said...

So many things to do...so little time....

The Chair Speaks said...

Just throw that 'to do' list out, Noll, and do want you feel like doing. Life is great and...short. Enjoy! Purrs from Cinders (Cookie's sister) and the rest of the gang.

Teddy Westlife said...

Noll, you can space that out over the course of a week. Two weeks even. There aren't enough naps in your list.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You do have so many cool places to go and things to do. Better keep moving.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

You look like you're going to sing us a little song my friend!

Prints the Cat said...

Those are really good lists. My parents wish their list of To Dos was as fun as yours.