
Noll's Winter Wonderland

The sun shone warm and bright. 
The landscape resembled heeping swirls
of marshmallow whip.
 How could anyone resist the temptation
of walking on this sugary confection?

Look at my face. 
Am I not serious? 
Do I not mean what my face conveys?

What if I fist-pounded the door?
  Would you believe me then?
I demand out!

It's not at all cold.
This is a Tai Chi pose
I call the tripoding cat.

A little snooping under the deck,
and I am soon acclimated to the winter wonderland!

I am brave.
I am hearty.
I am one with the snow!


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

You certainly are getting around great on that snow! We are impressed.

JC said...

You are just adorable ^,,^

fez said...

Well, my cats will never able to play in snow though. In Malaysia, we only have two season here. Rainy and Summer.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are way brave to be outside! Stay warm!!!!

Karen Jo said...

You are very brave and hearty. The cats I have known have all hated the snow.

SeaThreePeeO said...

Did you enjoy the snow between your toes?

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

The photos are lovely. We hope you got your toes warmed up again.

Parker said...

You are brave. I have no desire to put my paws on snow!

The Island Cats said...

Yes, you are very brave to go out there!! We usually just watch it from inside.

One Cats Nip said...

Your a super brave cat!!

Cat with a Garden said...

Marvellous snow landscape with marvellous Noll in it. Just purrfect!

Corrie said...

Noll, you will tolerate anything just to go outside. But I think the question is begging to be asked..WHERE IS YOUR LEASH??

Noll's Nip said...

My Own figured I would not venture far and even if I made a break for it, I would have sunk into the snow, thwarting any escape. She was, of course, right about that. I tried, and failed.

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Yoo are furry brave!!!
Sanjee and tha resta tha Hotties

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I am impressed. I wont go out in our snow.. I looked a few times but didn't brave it.. Can I just say those pctures are stunning.. Hugs GJ xx

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

PHANTASTIC PHOTOS! I'll never be One with the Snow--yet you, Noll, make it look good!


Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure are brave, didn't your tootsies get cold?

Astrid said...

You are very brave!!!

Snow is great!!!
In my country we don't have snow either, winter for us means rain.

I hope you had your pawsies warmed up soon:)

CCL Wendy said...

Good for you Noll! You must be very brave to venture outside these days. You look wonderful against the snow.

Great pictures of you!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Noll you are brave! That cold is something we avoid whenever possible! No matter how fun it looks, we don't think the cold is fun at all! We hope you stay warm even if you are out having fun in the snow!