
Noll Grants Uncle Keaks the Same Favor

And to be fair, (which I always am).....Drum roll please!

I proclaim January 16th
"Uncle Keak's Day."
I have created a marvelous banner for him
and, this front row center spot on my blog.

Uncle Keaks is often referred to as "The Best:" 
As in, "Keaks, You ARE the Best!"
The best behaved and the best in temperment.

Which begs the question, "Compared to Whom?"

(Certainly not Moi, the Kitty from Heaven!)


Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Uncle Keaks does look like a sweetheart.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Uncle Keak's is a beautiful mancat!

Darlene said...

Sweet Keaks and Lovely Luigi! We love them all!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are sweet to be extending your blog to everyone! Hello Uncle Keaks!

Karen Jo said...

Congratulations, Keaks, on getting your own day. You look like a great mancat.

Teddy Westlife said...

Good for you Uncle Keaks. Everycat should have their day.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Way to go Uncle Keaks!! Y'all have the best weekend!

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

YAY for Uncle Keaks......one handsome mancat for sure. purrrrrs

moi said...

Aww, Noll, you are so generous in giving recognition to your kitty family! They are all adorable, as are you! Keep up the good work; my kitties and I enjoy it all! =^..^=

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Uncle Keaks is very handsome.

Anonymous said...

Keaks may not be in a class by himself, but it sure won't take long to call the roll! :-)

Jack & Moo said...

Another pretty kitty!

a-roos to yous,
jack a-roo