
More on Noll

We got some good news today....Noll's T4 (thyroid) is normal. It was enlarged and that was a concern.

The antibiotics appear to be working.  Noll is finally moving around.  His bean sister Corrie came home from college.  She took him outside today and is giving him TLC right now.  Noll ate a little Iams this afternoon and licked some chicken baby food for dinner.  I will try the watered down version suggested by the Cats of Wildcats Wood.  (Noll lost 2 pounds.)  Noll still isn't drinking water on his own and he has not eliminated, which was my original concern and thought of what ailed him.  I still think that is part of the problem.

Thank you everyone for the purrs and headbutts and a-roos ;)  We appreciate you!

This was taken Saturday afternoon right
before Noll started acting punky on Sunday. 
Noll was fist-pounding the front door :)


Angel, Kirby and Max said...

I was just looking for a way to send an email to check on Noll! We are still purring for him and you!

Quill and Greyson said...


Amy & the house of cats said...

We are glad that Noll ate a bit - we hope that is just the begining. We are still sending lots of healing purrs and prayers to him.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We are keeping up the purrayers and headbutts until Noll has completely recovered. 2 lbs. is an awful lot for a cat to lose.

Darlene said...

my goodniss nollie you need a boost there! Mom gets me a tonic(vitamin), plus a shot of vitamin B12 wouldn't hurt, check out the article we sent you by e-mail. xoxoxoxo

Chuchu said...

I hope Noll gets better, glad he is eating and moving around! Its a good sign =]

May things slowly but surely get better.

TwoSpecialWires said...

We just came over from Amy and the House of Cats. We were happy to read that Noll may be doing a bit better. Still, we'll send our barks of love, thoughts and prayers his way to make sure he stays on that path to better health.

Paws crossed
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Karen Jo said...

Attaboy, Noll, just keep on getting better and better! Now you have to drink some water to go with the food you ate.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Please do get well Noll!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

That is such good news, I am so glad that you are improving a little. Come on little man you can do it.. You have the power of paws in your favour.. Hugs GJ xx

Daisy said...

Oh Noll, I am glad you are starting to feel better. It is so important that you eat! Can your mom force-feed you with some watered down food in a syringe (without the needle!)? Also, if you will eat some plain canned pumpkin mixed with your foods, it will add bulk and water and maybe get things moving down there. I am purring my hardest for you!

Cat with a Garden said...

Keep getting better, sweet Noll. What stories, out of the blue! Is there an explanation for what's happening, does it have a name? When Chilli was sick I gave her some extra liquid with a plastic "needle" (the ones that don't have a needle, but only a 1cm opening). The girls are purring for him to get better fast.

Tuck said...

Oh Noll, please start drinking water! We are all purring hard for you to get better!

The Island Cats said...

We're glad Noll is doing a little better! We continue to purr for him!

(if you mix some food with water, this will help with Noll's water intake even though he may not be actually drinking water)

SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

We are happy to hear that Noll is doing better.....we will be purraying for his full recovery. We have signed up as followers so we can follow closely how he's doing.


HubbleSpacePaws said...

More purrayers comin' at you Noll! Amy sent us over to check in on you... glad things are inching in the right direction!

JC said...

Oh Noll ...
I'll think of you today
And hope you get better
Do they know what's wrong ?
What did the vet say ?

xo xo xo xo

Anonymous said...

Noll, make sure yoo pee, even if yoo has to do it sumwhere yoo shudnt. We is still purrin hard and rumbly fer yoo!!

Mama Feline said...

Yay keep it up Noll. We are all thinking of you and purring you back to health.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad Noll's thyroid has returned to normal and we hope he continues to improve. We will keep purring for him.

Jack & Moo said...

That's good news for the meows. Still have all paws crossed for Noll, sending sibe vibes & nose boinks,

jack n' tori


We are sending get well soon wishes
to Noll. Feel better soon! :)
Your 5 furry friends at Jewelgirls
Katz! (((Purrs)))

Anonymous said...

Maybe all that pounding will make him thirsty! Drink Noll, drink!

Poppy Q said...

We hopes your feels better soon Noll.

When our old cat Puss lost weight at the end the vet suggested we try her on some high calorie treats, ice cream, yoghurt etc that she might like. Mum used to put caramel yoghurt on a spoon and she liked to lick that up.

Parker said...

We are hoping that Noll starts eating and using the box.

Corrie said...

Glad you looked so much better this morning, Noll. He was back to his regular complaining of wanting to be walked outside and is eating and drinking on his own. Still on his antibiotics, but is looking better.

GLOGIRLY said...

Katie and I are sending our good thoughts your way! We hope he starts to eat, drink and take care of business. Katie had some trouble following emergency surgery a couple of years ago. It was the baby food that helped her pull through.

Glogirly & Katie

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Come on Noll!! Drink up and hit that litterbox!


Percy the Cat said...

We are sending purrayers for you Noll! Get better real soon!