
Noll's Belated Blogoversary

Here is the face that launched
 140 posts over the course of one year 

Unfortunately, I was unable to celebrate on the designate day & I could not put together a party.  I had every intention.  But the secretary was in Cleveland.  Then, she clicked on a link which infected her computer.  The virus won & the computer is toast.

So instead of a party, I am going to ramble. 

My Own (which is what I call her because she belongs TO ME) started this blog on October 15, 2008 to write prose, poetry, showcase her father's artwork & her four beautiful cats.  When I, your humble Noll, was selected as "Random Cat of the Day on 3/27/09, well, the direction and purpose shifted to ALL THINGS NOLL with a little bit of Tiggy, Luigi and Uncle Keaks.  But sometimes, I let her write too ;)

Following Random Cat of the Day's notice that I had been chosen , my first comment from the cat blogosphere came from Jan's Funny Farm.  Moi, Momsbusy, ElyseK, Everycat, Astrid and ckhelmg also posted lovely thoughts that day.

I am truly amazed and glad for the the blogging cat community.  You are all so wonderful.  You welcomed me and told each other about me the very next day.  In a matter of a week, I had almost two thousand hits to my blog.  Soon, I got to following you too:  The Meezers, Tuck, Angel and Kirby, Reese, Millie, The Pouponettes, Forever Feline, Dante, Cybercibes, Rain, RusticRanch, The Fur Kids, Daisy Curly Cat, Miss Peach, Purrchance to Dream, JC, Ginger Jasper, Lisa Lisa & the Cat Jam, Cat with a Garden and a host of others (I'm sorry if I didn't mention you personally as I am doing this from memory). I have enjoyed your stories, crazy parties, nap piles, obsession with ham, your wardrobes, toys and bean adventures.  I purred for you, smiled with you and cried with you.  You taught me so much about cats, (and dogs) and blogging.

I love you all.
Thank you for a special year.


Quill and Greyson said...

Happy Blogoversary Noll!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy Blogoversary Noll! I have ham to help you celebrate!!!!

Karen Jo said...

Happy Blogoversary, Noll! I really enjoy reading your blog.

Vicki said...

Happy Blogoversary - I totally agree with you - I love this cat blogging community.....

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Blogoversary Noll!! It has been a fun year following you this year. We are looking forward to many more posts!

Corrie said...

Happy Blogoversary!!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We found you from Cat of the Day! We love Noll.

Teddy Westlife said...

Happy blogaversary Noll! It's been great getting to know you.

ItaJeff said...

Happy Blogoversary Noll. I'm happy to have you as my bloggers fellow.

Elin said...

Happy Blogoversary Noll!!

Blog is a very best thing, it make us find a very wonderful furriends from all over the world :)


Jack & Moo said...

Wooing woo a furry happy Blogaversery, Noll! Woo and Huffle Mawson (who is an honorary Siberian) keep me connected to the khat world. I see Elyse K is mentioned - she is one of Stars & my biggest fans, and even knew Sherman too! Small world!

a-roos to yous,
Jack a-roo

JC said...

Happy Blogaversary !!!

You are one of the first blogs I found. I will always follow you .. and your purr family too.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Happy Blogaversary.. I love your blog too and yes isn't blogging grand.. HUgs GJ xx

The Creek Cats said...

Happy First Blogoversary Noll! We are so glad to have become friends with you this year!!

P.S. No, that was not us on the TLC show. That was our furiends the Whiskers and Purrs gang! http://www.whiskersandpurrs.com/

Your Daily Cute said...

Happy Blogoversary! I love that picture. :)

SeaThreePeeO said...

Happy Belated Blogoversary Noll and thanks for following us!

Daisy said...

Happy Blogoversary, Noll! I am glad I got to know you!

GLOGIRLY said...

Congratulations and happy blogoversary, Noll!! Glogirly and I have lots of fun stopping by your blog. We love reading what you have to say and enjoying all the beautiful photos and artwork.

Katie & Glogirly

Anonymous said...

congrats on your blogaversary noll you are so handsome still!!

Cat with a Garden said...

What a year it has been! We loved your little ramble. Happy belated Blogoversary, sweet Noll. You have an interesting blog history. We're sorry to hear about the virus, that suckles really badly.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Happy belated Blogoversary Noll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Well, we are late commenting, so we wanted to wish you a belated happy belated blogversary! We love visiting you!