
Noll Explains His Absence

Luigi's eyes solarized

Dear furry friends and not-so-furry friends,

I am nearly recovered from my Internet withdrawal!

My major domo, i.e., human, lost her job of 17 years AND her free Internet. She's been visiting the local library for WiFi access; a cumbersome process but a most welcomed service. Thankfully, I was able to blog a little and visit some of your blogs too.

But, then, there followed the visit to her brother in Maine....where no computers abide! And the Internet well dried up!

She is now returned. Reconnected to my beloved Internet.

I will be back in full force very soon!

All my best.....Noll


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh Noll you were missed. I am so sorry your mum lost her job. Thats a bad thing.. Hope we will be able to see you in blogland..

Hugs GJ xx

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so sorry your Mom lost her job. That is bad. Our Mom had to take retirement! We miss you ans hope to see more of you!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am not certain my human could survive without internet... I am sorry to hear that your human lost her job.

Amy & the house of cats said...

That is too bad that your mom lost her job - hopefully she finds one soon (if she is looking that is - she may have decided to take a little break in which case I hope she enjoys it). I am glad you are back! We wondered where you had gone!

Daisy said...

Oh Noll, we know just how you feel! My Daddeh was laid off from his job of 25 years (Monday was his last day). I hope your mom finds a job she likes even better than her old job.

Corrie said...

I'm glad you're back! How is it working? And I'm also glad to hear baby Tiggy is doing better! He missed us (mostly you), while we were away!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We missed you alot and hope things are going better now.

Reese =^..^= said...

I'm glad you are back on the internet. Please give your mom my best wishes.

The Creek Cats said...

We are very sorry to hear your mom lost her job of 17 years, that's really unfortunate. We purray that bigger and better things come her way very soon!

Quill and Greyson said...

OMC no internet? Seriously sorry for your Mom and we hope she lands on her feet very soon!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh no!!! We are so sorry your bean lost her job. We hope she finds another soon! We look forward to seeing more of you!

Tuck said...

I'm so glad you are back! I've missed you!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We are sorry about your mom! We hopes things get better! The solarized photo is great!

Parker said...

We are sorry about the job...that's terrible!

The Florida Furkids said...

We're sorry your Mom lost her job. We hope she finds a great one soon.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

JC said...

We Miss You !!!

Karen Jo said...

I am so sorry that your Mom lost her job. I hope that she finds a new and better one soon.