
Noll's Saga of 'Simba' Steiff Goes On.....

Having been confounded by the reticent white UnSteiff cat, 'Simba' Steiff ran to the other side of the room. "Hallo! ginger UnSteiff cat, I'm 'Simba' Steiff. "What are you looking at? What...the...NOMMY...little brown spineless hedgehogs with pouchy cheeks....swabbing seeds off the deck. Can we eat them?"

"Chipmunks....NOT for eating," the ginger UnSteiff cat replied.

"Ooops, my bad!" 'Simba' Steiff replied. "Ahem, HALLO, Ginger! Where's The Professor and Mary Ann! HA HA HA. Why are you staring at me? Oh, you're admiring my button in ear? It's something isn't it!"

"WHAT?" 'Simba' Steiff exclaimed. "My button in ear is missing? It's a CASTAWAY? Please help me find it! Is it up here on the dining room table. Do you see it?"

"Hey, ginger UnSteiff cat, if your butt is dirty and you sit on the wood table, does it become a 'poop deck'?"

"Ugh.. sorry ginger UnSteiff cat, I meant no offense. It's the nip, the excitement. Where are you going? Is my button over there on the kitchen island? Wait for me!"

"Whoa....big island hop! What do you see? Any sign of my button?" 'Simba' Steiff asked sadly.

"No. Nothing. No button," The ginger UnSteiff cat answered. "But I think I see an uneaten Temptation by the sink....Chow....Good luck, little buddy."


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We hope you find your button Simba!!!!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Get that temptation!

The Island Cats said...

Well, at least you got a little treat while looking for that button! Hope you find it!

Quill and Greyson said...

Hi Nolls Nip so nice to meet you. I saw you were following me, and I was so excited.

Maybe I should follow you too!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh Simba I hope you find your button! At least it sounds like you are having a great adventure while you look.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

What adventures you are having Steiff cat!

Elin said...

Hello! This is my first tiem seeing u!


Corrie said...

I will help you find your button on Sunday, Simba. Those boys are just too busy, it seems!

The Creek Cats said...

Hey!! We've given you an award! Stop by our blog sometime and pick it up, ok!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Hope you find the buttn, help Moll please. I gave you an award, drop by and pick it up.

Hugs GJ x